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Internet of Things (IOT)

Internet of Things (IoT) 

Today all the electronic devices are controlled by using programmed equipment. The internet allow to access all the data form several location. Thus if we want to access all the device on world wide location then we connect the devices to the internet. 

Internet of Things is a concept of computer that allow to access the physical objects that connected to the  internet and able to access themselves to other devices. 

In this technology, sensor technology is use to sense the device and perform the specific operation. IOT help to make a intelligent machine. 

                               The internet of things is a difficult concept to define precisely. In fact, there are many different groups that have defined the term, although its initial use has been attributed to Kevin Ashton, an expert on digital innovation. 

Real World Applications of IoT

1. Smart Home

2. Car connect

3. Smart cities 

4. Help in Agriculture 

5. Smart Retail System

6. IoT in HealthCare

and Many more......

IoT like  If you go your home after complete your job hours and start your car. When you start your car a message send to your internet connected AC and your AC automatically start to cool your room. ......


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